Archive for October, 2012

In the Light — Alexander Gallier Interview 17

Posted in Uncategorized on October 31, 2012 by a1exanderga11ier

Karma is a word, like love. A way of saying, ‘what I am here to do.’ I do not resent my Karma.  I am grateful for it.

Ram-Kendra to Neo, The Matrix Revolutions (2003)

For many, karma entails carefully maneuvering about the world with “correct behavior” [as dictated by the dogma of those in possession of “God’s True Teachings”] in order to avoid reincarnation as a lesser lifeform. The creation of this domain of fear around a universal truth spins it just enough to become an effective Terran management system.

The most Highly Evolved Beings are not “good” [relativistically speaking] because they are afraid of being bad; the most Highly Evolved Beings are good because they understand the interconnectedness of All That Is and are clear about their relationship to that.

Most Highly Evolved Beings consciously recall every event from their previous incarnational experiences, as well as experiences between lives, from MDPV to MDPV. Terran Human Beings do not possess this recall as the result of genetic modification.

In order to better understand karma, we must understand that there is no separation between us and the Universe, and no separation between one another.  To know the Universe, and any expression of it, such as karma, we must come to know ourselves.

The primordial motions of this Universe  can be thought of as encompassing attraction-based vectors versus separation-based vectors.  [Ultimate reality is not this polarized, but as it relates to the discussion on karma, the metaphor is useful.]  The “separation vectors” are very interested in independence, hierarchy, and out-competing one another for their spot in the grand design.  The “attraction vectors” are very interested in freedom of expression, unity-based operational models, and supporting one another’s contributions to the grand design.

Consider that “karma” is a description of a process by which intent is transformed into motion across many realms.  We can apply a sense of developmental trajectory to the process, but we can also examine it in relation to cause and effect.  I would like to put forth the suggestion that in combining the two viewpoints, we arrive at a mindset where we can view the term as a flexible multidimensional plan by which Creation correlates the interests of all its constituent parts. “Karma” becomes a perspective describing how Sentient parts of a Whole interrelate.

This Universe is an event that has already occurred, which we — as Spirit — are exploring from every conceivable vantage point.  This event is incredibly complex, detailed, and interconnected. No action is undertaken absent the express consent of the Self with regards to, or as a result of, events/experiences co-created with other Self(s). There are no victims and no villains; only an exchange of energy.

This idea can be explored macrocosmically.. This Universe has an intent and developmental trajectory relative to Creation and the Creator of All. This Galaxy possesses Its own intent and developmental trajectory, even as it shares in expressing that of this Universe and Creation in its entirety. Earth, as an expression of Creation and the Universe, operates within the Galaxy along a developmental trajectory and intent of its own.

We can explore this idea microcosmically as well. The Earth, as a stage of Experience and as a Host of Life, has attracted trillions of lifeforms, including thousands of physical and non-physical intelligences. Each Species as a Race operates along its own developmental trajectory, as an expression of Creation — even as they interact with [or give rise to, as is the case with Terran Humanity] another Race. This is a massively coordinated, interconnected Event which each aspect co-creates with every other aspect.

I may toss a stone into a stream and disturb it, but the stream shall still flow. I can dam the stream, causing a huge backswell, but Nature will lay to waste my efforts if they become out of balance with the course of the Event. Ten generations may pass, but the stream will flow again.

Karma is like this.

External links:
(r) E v o l u t i o n
In the Light YouTube channel

In the Light — Alexander Gallier Interview 16

Posted in Uncategorized on October 29, 2012 by a1exanderga11ier

I was caught somewhat unawares when Raea suddenly asked me about my book.

In the spirit of “It’s-not-about-me,” I released 72 Treatises under the pseudonym “The Bleating Nichodemus” in order to dissuade a personality cult. 

When I was 21, I scribbled around 78 one or two-liners in a black, hemp fiber-bound Zen notebook that had a large, Japanese calligraphic character for “moon” reproduced on the cover.  Every time I had a moment of clarity, walked with God, felt the Force — whatever your preferred metaphor — I endeavored to capture the spirit of the occasion with a gold, micro deluxe Uniball pen.  My Mind was electrified with possibilities.  I realized that if I used different colors and employed some strategic placement, my prose could interact with targeted areas of the reader’s brain.. even if they didn’t know it.

Initially, I wanted to release what I had as it was, call it “The Book,” and not even put my name on it.  I conducted extensive research of the book publishing industry, and it seems that you have to be published in order to get published.  Meditating on the subject, I came to the conclusion that the best way to keep creative control over it — while at the same time avoiding a career of “journalism” — would be to self-publish.

Self-publishing comes in several different breeds.  Most common in 2002 was “print on demand.”  This doctrine dictates that a wholesale printer will ship a finite quantity of product — say 1,000 units — to the author, which then becomes incumbent upon him/her to distribute amongst the civil populace.  Having been in a band and hocked CDs, I can tell you that the hardest thing on Earth to do is to try to sell somebody something that (s)he has never heard of before, and does not want to buy.

I contacted a leading print-on-demand company — one that and I had actually seen some of their books in the retail chains I’d frequent.  Summoning up all my gall, I dialed the 800 number I found on their website and soon found myself connected with a pleasant-sounding young man, perhaps two or maybe even three years older than me. And then I blew it.

“Yes,” I told him, in a very even and professional-sounding voice.  “I am an author from the Pacific Northwest who has written a very unique book — and I’m interested in talking to you about publification.”

Ever since I was a little boy, I have been identified as possessing a superior ability to communicate.

The customer service rep confessed that, at best, his company was only a cookie-cutter novel producer, and their Carter-era printing equipment was ill-equipped to handle multiple font colors, produce color illustrations, print in different directions, create negative space, and sell individually for less than $30.00 US.  It seemed then that my book-writing career was over before it started.

One day not long after that, I discovered MySpace.  I set up a blog there as a blank notebook page where each day I would post something from “The Book,” just to see how it would look in print.  

And then something strange and wonderful happened.  My online friends started to dialogue with me.  Through philosophical logic, I was able to elaborate on my ideas and justify that they were sound.  And, since they were bringing the discussion to my turf, I had fewer inhibitions about rebutting.  I didn’t realize it at the time, but I was re-tooling the work.  I expanded some of the ideas, and added art as I saw fit. 

It took a little less than a year to produce the first draft of 72 Treatises.  The Treatises are based on those conversations, and contain the core ideas from “The Book.”  But now the work had grown into something different.. poetry.. prose.. dialogue.. word art.. negative space.. drawings.. diagrams.. paintings..

Several revisions occurred before the product was finished.  Meanwhile, an artist friend of mine named Mike Rigney started talking about a publishing company called “Lulu” [incidentally, the character of “Micha-El” is based on Rigney], which would publish anything that anybody uploaded to it, help market it if desired, permit the creator retain the copyright, and set their own price and royalty rate.  The trade off is that Lulu makes a percentage –extremely tiny.  Lulu does not proofread or edit in any way, and it is up to the author to self-promote.

I became intrigued because “LU.LU” (cun.) is the Sumerian term for “human being.”  It literally means “mixed being;” impling domestic animal labor, and over the years has come to mean “mixed up,” or “crazy” in modern English.  Why not do business with them?

Since then, 72 Treatises has been a steady international seller.  There are at present plans for two other books.  Whereas “Treatises” was heavily philosophical, the next will be more left-brained; incorporating mathematics, history, and metaphysical anatomy and physiology.  The challenge will be to make it more of a living document capable of pushing standard notions of “the book experience,” while still being a relatable page-turner.  One more book I want to write will recount my encounters with extraterrestrial, interdimensional, and trans-universal Intelligence.  This one will be a little more subjective and right-brained.

At present, all indications are that I will enjoy many, many more years of publification.

External links:
(r) E v o l u t i o n
In the Light YouTube channel

In the Light — Alexander Gallier Interview 15

Posted in Uncategorized on October 17, 2012 by a1exanderga11ier

One sunny April afternoon, Raea paid an impromptu visit to me and my girlfriend at our coffee stand. With a twinkle in her eye, she asked, “What are you doing right now? It’s time we go inside and shoot an interview.” I had met her years ago in a Metaphysical Meeting of the Minds group where I tried to slip in anonymously — impossible under the scrutiny of one of America’s Best Psychics.

Initially, we tried to use a “professional” camera that was supplied by Tacoma’s own, the renowned Tim Mezen, but at that very moment, the camera’s battery life ran out. Raea and Tim had shot earlier that day, and Tim’s backup was many miles away. “Well,” I said, producing an Android Bionic from my back pocket, “we could use this.” We had no other options, so she mounted the ABionic to Tim’s tripod, and fired away.

Over the next few hours, Raea had the opportunity to ask me briefly about everything that she ever wanted to ask. I did my very best to internalize the question, clear myself, and answer honestly from the heart.

After maybe three or four segments, Raea called me over to the camera to look at the curious energy manifestations which occurred in emphasis of my statements. I tried in my mind to dismiss it so as to not interfere with the information coming through. As we drew closer to the end of the interview, I asked Raea if the “orbs” were still there. Her frank response was, “Yeah, they are in every video. I’ve only ever seen this one other time, and that was with a very talented psychic.”

When asked about it point-blank by Raea — who is nefarious for a low tolerance of bullshit — I felt flabbergasted and found that my lips, tongue, glottis, and epiglottis were all out of sync with the language processing area of my cerebral cortex. I was fucking nervous!

I asked a few noted photography experts their input for possible causes of orb-like effects during the video recording process. The two most common answers were lens flare and auto-focusing within the camera. Additionally, I am aware that certain video editing special effects are capable of inserting orbs during production.

Under penalty of purgery, I solemnly swear that — with the exception of transitioning fades and audio enhancement — the footage which constitutes the video presentation of “In the Light” is unaltered and devoid of special effects in any way, shape, or form.

In order to further illustrate this point, three unedited clips from the raw footage vault have been made available as well. The phenomena is observable thereout as well.

Orbs, in general, have been reported as both an epiphenomenon of high psionic activity and as an Intelligence in its own right. There are numerous photographs extant and reachable on the Internet which demonstrate the presence of Orbs in virtually every setting. How many are due to the above-mentioned technical defects and how many are genuine documents of metaphysical phenomena are up to the Reader to deduce. Conjecture for Intelligent Life manifesting as Orbs in photographs run the gamut as everything from dimensionally-shifted entities to extraterrestrial vehicles from some smaller scale physical stage.

My own feeling for the Orbs in the videos is that they are manifestations of my energy field which occurred within the visual recording range of the videography equipment.

As always, you must discern the Truth for yourself.

External links:
(r) E v o l u t i o n
In the Light YouTube channel

In the Light — Alexander Gallier Interview 14

Posted in Uncategorized on October 12, 2012 by a1exanderga11ier

The Multi-Dimensional Physical Vehicle [MDPV] is a wonder of Creative Intent and design.  It is the most dense Aspect of Being through which we, as Spiritual Beings, express ourselves as an extension of the Creator.  Commonly referred to as “the Body,” the MDPV is an energy/matter lattice which coordinates trillions of specialized cells into tissues, organs, and organ systems, culminating in an organ-ism.  The MDPV is itself a great metaphor for what is possible when unalike individual Beings cooperate for the benefit of consciously co-creating a larger reality.  Their efforts, in turn, enable an order of Consciousness beyond their sphere. Working with a MDPV on a physical world as dense as Earth requires great energetic control, and these energies must be parceled out very wisely.  Otherwise, it is easy to become enthralled by Earthly energies. 

The MDPV possess its own intelligence; two aspects of which are:

  • “Body-level intelligence,” as it relates to the accumulated aggregate experience of the current incarnation
  • “Genetic intelligence,” as it relates to applied/expressed genetic adaptations resulting from ancient aggregate experiences at key junctures in the MDPV’s lineage

Body-level intelligence can be illustrated by the idea of “muscle memory.” One may struggle at first within their present incarnation to learn to play a musical instrument, drive a car, or eat spicy food, but with sufficient repetition these tasks can be performed automatically.  However, manifesting abilities such as clairvoyance — especially when ancestor relatives possessed similar skills — illustrates instances wherein genetic configurations are sufficiently similar so as to allow for such expressions.  Other instances, when perhaps multiple people recall being the same historical figure, can be thought of as activated genetic memory [museum pieces and geographical locations can trigger this]. In these instances a portion of the Self is re-membering (becoming again one with the experience) the time/space that the Soul was connected with a particular historical Body/Mind. This re-membering, in fact, is a type of sixth sense. Most of our “metaphysical abilities” were extant in the original Terran Human genetic design template, which has since been altered by visiting Intelligences, environmental conditions, diet, radiation, and lack of use.

But the implications of genetic memory go far beyond psychic abilities for Terrans.

Our Terran Human MDPV has been referred to as possessing a “bicameral [physical] heritage.”  Every culture tells stories recalling the time when sky and earth came together to fashion humanity. Therefore, in addition to possessing genetic memory which can span the time/space of Sol III, we are also capable of accessing genetic memory which spans the time/space events of nearly two dozen non-Terran civilizations.

Genetics in and of themselves are intelligently designed applications of frequency (balanced atomic/molecular patterns). They are interactive across interdimensional domains. Genetics connect our Race to each other and to the other Races which have given rise to our current genome. Additionally, we are physically compatible with other Races [as can be attested to in every revered ancient text, as well as modern “CE-IV” literature], which is why certain of them look to us for our potential to supply a them broader gene pool.

Many of the Races physically express themselves as males and females; a few also express as neutral or androgynous Beings. A percentage, though not all, of the “gender bending” and homosexual tendancies expressed on Earth are owed to this fact. For that percentage whose choice is to play within this dynamic, so many incarnations have been held from the perspective of a preferred gender that they come in feeling “wrong” whenever they are born into the other. The energetic matrices of the MDPV’s are the opposite of what they have typically worked with, and it is very awkward and difficult for them to operate in this capacity. Some go so far as to employ surgical or hormonal therapy in an attempt to feel more normal. The Hopi have been very specific in their timeframes with regards to the appearance of these Beings.

The original line of inquiry for this topic came from a chapter in a book Raea was reading on the topic of “Gender Studies;” specifically, the fluxuations that gender roles are undergoing in society as it relates to marriage, identity, sexual orientation, and social standing. This is a very dynamic issue in contemporary society — people often confuse their ego/identity with their MDPV. Whereas adults are honoring each other as extensions of the Creator and lovingly engage in consensual relationships with other adults, I bear no judgment or preference on the gender or number of participants in each. Nor do I bear have any charge against any Being’s chosen mode of Life expression, belief, occupation, creed, or realm of origination.

Having said this, it takes a minimum of one male and one female to biologically create the MDPV. The elements of Life can be grown and scientifically united in a laboratory setting, but the removal of passion and emotion from the reproductive act has led to degradation within the coding of the Races which have practiced it the most. Some Races with yet another gender reproduce as a triad; others can do so rather like cellular division. Though Spirit possesses the capability of directly manifesting whichever form it desires, the preferred method of entry into a physical setting is as offspring.

The MDPV and Spirit exist in a symbiosis with the Mind in order to give rise to the Triune Incarnate Being. Even within the Minds of those most devoted to Serving Others, and those who have answered the call to assist Earth, great difficulty exists in binding Spirit to Body and Mind. The Body is given to genetic patterns and predisposed tenancies which it is trying to balance out in order to transcend its own self and evolve; the Mind develops, perceives, and endeavors to preserve something of itself in relation to the other two; and Spirit, having been through every conceivable variation of every conceivable mode of existence, struggles to express itself within an extremely dense and limited existential environment.

The Elite-based fraternities of this World suggest to all concerned that Who They Are is a limited physical organism arising of accidental chemical circumstances separate environment and universe which must submit to an established socio/economic/political reality in order to survive 80 – 120 years. They are afraid of what an open Mind and an unbound Spirit will leave them in terms of usable frequency. They have been left behind before and are not eager to repeat the experience.

The Mind is smarter than this; it adds together 2 and 2 on Earth and sees that it is not 4. It demands action of a hesitant Body and a distant-feeling Soul, and after many years, finally submits and lends itself to co-creation of rote, atavistic insanity. This can have several unintentional side effects, whether participating against or with group Mind, the least of which may manifest as disease within the MDPV.

Spirit, meanwhile, provides perspective through sudden insight, deep-seated feelings of oneness, and profound experiences of unequivocal Knowing. Its method of transmission is usually silence.

When the Spirit communicates with the Mind, it will suggest thoughts which in so doing seems as if it were the Mind’s own. These are always the Highest Version of the Highest Vision the Being ever had about itself. When the Spirit communicates with the MDPV, it often appears as if the MDPV spontaneously moves of its own accord.

The Mind has an easier time commanding the MDPV; through aggregate perception and experience the Mind can convince the Body of any reality, whether it is factual or fictitious. The Mind must appeal to the Soul when it is out of harmony with it. It has an easier time making an appeal when it is calm, centered, and operating in an expanded state. This is closer to the actual state of Unity from which physical existence emanates.

The MDPV, by sheer virtue of possessing the ability to act out its beliefs, is capable of overriding both the Mind and the Spirit in a dense, physical setting. By closing down its energetic centers, the MDPV is capable of physically blocking off input from the Soul and ignoring the Mind’s perceptions. In this capacity it is operating solely on base functions such as the archetypical “feed and breed” animal program prominent in second density lifeforms. Overcoming Bodily functions and addictions have been a major method of Spiritual evolution; particularly on this planet.

As a genetic expression and as a mental collective, Humanity is changing. The Species itself is in a state of flux as it processes incoming universal and transdimensional energies which ultimately affect how we express ourselves.

Highly Evolved Beings, including millions of Terran Human Beings, have experimented to discover, balance, and master these three Aspects of Being. In the process they move easily through time and space, interact with even more advanced Intelligence, and embrace the true wonders which lay in wait beyond the physical. Though we are active in these realms by our very nature, conscious exploration on an individual level — and then as a species — deepens our contemplation of ourselves, as well as the Creator’s contemplation of Itself, Third Density, and the Human Race of Sol III.

External links:
(r) E v o l u t i o n
In the Light YouTube channel

In the Light — Alexander Gallier Interview 13

Posted in Uncategorized on October 1, 2012 by a1exanderga11ier

Much has been made over the inherent worth of the current Terran human being. Our situation has been discussed by intelligences far older and much more advanced than we, and for interesting reasons. Our planet and our Race seem to be integral in the evolution of the Universe from the local level on up. Terran Science [and on the payroll of the Elite] asserts that we are nothing special; an accidental chemical mixture which was energized in such a manner which eventually resulted in intelligence and self-awareness. The majority of the Intellegent Races, however, see a lot more in the inherent worth of our species, because they understand that each component of existence affects the Whole. The majority of the Intelligent Races think holographically.

Every physical and non-physical Intelligence was created equal; and though we all may differ in form, function, and theater, no one is any better our grander than any other. We are simply younger than the Universe we inhabit, alongside Others. All ultimately are expressions of an Infinite Self.

The Terran Human Race is amazing for a number of reasons. Our genetics are unique in its makeup; aspects of around two dozen other Races have been applied to a Terran primate template. Our capacity to feel emotions, vibrate on the levels that we do, and to simply create puts other Races in a state of awe. What and how we create, due to our lack of Racial cohesiveness, inspires emotions of wonder, beauty, and horror. Then, relative to those emotions, the Races who contributed to our physiology look on, keenly aware of their connection to us. How many of them can impassively look at what has become of a part of themselves?

Our struggle as a Race between extinction and advanced maturity affects every Race and Spiritual Essence connected to us. The creators of our genetics fashioned us at different times to be workers, servants, trophies, objects of lust, warriors, pawns, and intermediaries. Our fashioning occurred under the auspices of ensouled Beings in the midst of their own evolutionary trajectory. As their descendants, our existence provides them with very intimate perspectives, while simultaneously providing Spirit an invaluable new and unique theater of operation from which to evolve closer to God [whatever you understand this to be]. This fact has drawn ancient Souls from multiple dimensions to participate in a co-created reality.

A newly created Race, disconnected from its previous state, will naturally reach out to the next closest available Race — in our case, our creators — to provide meaning for their existence. The most recent open contacts on a mass global scale occurred in the city-state/tribal phase of our evolution between 12,000 – 2,000 years ago. Only a handful of Races were interacting with Terran humanity at the time, and the majority of them were interested in servicing themselves. The nature of these contacts were to create personality cults such that the extraterrestrials, augmented by superior technology, were considered as gods by the Terrans they interacted with. Amongst the extraterrestrials, conflicts came to a head, both internally and between various visiting groups. Protocols were overlooked, misunderstandings occurred, prejudices developed, and occasional outright fighting broke out — at times involving the Terrans as pawns. Ultimately, nuclear weapons were unleashed, along with all the damaging side-affects to environment, flora, and fauna. Previous genetic modification, regional isolation, diet, and now radioactivity resulted in greater local diversification; culminating in what we perceive now as the Red, Black, Yellow, and White Races. These days are not-so-fondly recalled in the Vedas, the Sumerian texts, and the Torah.

The grand dynamic here is “a technology held does not a god of you make.” Spirit has produced quite a number of evolved aspects in, as, and through this drama. In a few short generations, elements of the Terran Human Race has re-cast itself in the image and likeness of the “ancient gods,” and sit poised ready to create their own version of those days in contemporary times. The religions which now exist — as a part of a multi-faceted effort to spin our ancient history in a way which makes us docile, obedient, supplicating, and manageable — actually creates distance with authentic spirituality. This is because the goals of spirituality are to promote unity, self-responsibility, critical thinking, and a two-way connection with Source which eliminates the need for intermediaries. Religion attempts to make everyone feel disconnected, feeble, and unworthy before the “Lord.” The goals of religion and spirituality are ultimately incompatible.

The Forty-Fifth Treatise simply states: “Technological gods are…spiritual infants.” Technological development at the expense of the Self is typically fatal; as can be evidenced on this world as recently as 4,000 years ago in the middle east. While technology can and does make life simpler, less hazardous, extend lifespans, etc., an unnatural over-reliance on it creates a condition wherein inborn abilities such as telekinesis, bi-location, and psychometry atrophy. The more we seek to externalize our experience in this arena, the more we are disengaging from our essence as extensions of Spirit in favor of engaging the physical universe purely on a material basis. Carrying this line of thought to its conclusion, viewing the universe solely in terms of its physicality results in a reductionist relationship to the universe and the desire for control over physical processes which — absent spiritual intent — leads to the fundamental breakdown of these processes. Beings who reduce the Universe into multitudinous disparaging parts are in danger of viewing themselves in similar terms. Separation Consciousnesses breeds perceptions of ego, finite resources, competition, and service-to-self mentalities.

A good illustration of this dynamic is the 1967 episode “Errand of Mercy” from the Star Trek television series. Two technologically developed interstellar societies vie for control of a planet for strategic reasons and as a source of raw materials. The two group’s conflict escalates to the point of open fighting in deep space. Just when it seems as if they would mutually destroy one another, a cease fire is imposed on them by a third society — whose level of advancement was eons beyond the conflicting civilizations. The third group, we learn, had focused their efforts towards inner disciplines and, having discovered no difference between Reality and Self, had mastered both.

Focus on the development of the Inner Self, as a reflection of, in honor of, and in tribute to the Creator of All. At the point where Self and Spirit are one, you shall receive insight concerning responsible balance between science and spiritually which will create the most Unity, the most Love, the most Upliftment for All. Surround yourself with others whose goal is the same. Honest pursuit in these endeavors will yield tremendous results. I can attest to this of my own personal experience.

External links:
(r) E v o l u t i o n
In the Light YouTube channel