In the Light — Alexander Gallier Interview 14

The Multi-Dimensional Physical Vehicle [MDPV] is a wonder of Creative Intent and design.  It is the most dense Aspect of Being through which we, as Spiritual Beings, express ourselves as an extension of the Creator.  Commonly referred to as “the Body,” the MDPV is an energy/matter lattice which coordinates trillions of specialized cells into tissues, organs, and organ systems, culminating in an organ-ism.  The MDPV is itself a great metaphor for what is possible when unalike individual Beings cooperate for the benefit of consciously co-creating a larger reality.  Their efforts, in turn, enable an order of Consciousness beyond their sphere. Working with a MDPV on a physical world as dense as Earth requires great energetic control, and these energies must be parceled out very wisely.  Otherwise, it is easy to become enthralled by Earthly energies. 

The MDPV possess its own intelligence; two aspects of which are:

  • “Body-level intelligence,” as it relates to the accumulated aggregate experience of the current incarnation
  • “Genetic intelligence,” as it relates to applied/expressed genetic adaptations resulting from ancient aggregate experiences at key junctures in the MDPV’s lineage

Body-level intelligence can be illustrated by the idea of “muscle memory.” One may struggle at first within their present incarnation to learn to play a musical instrument, drive a car, or eat spicy food, but with sufficient repetition these tasks can be performed automatically.  However, manifesting abilities such as clairvoyance — especially when ancestor relatives possessed similar skills — illustrates instances wherein genetic configurations are sufficiently similar so as to allow for such expressions.  Other instances, when perhaps multiple people recall being the same historical figure, can be thought of as activated genetic memory [museum pieces and geographical locations can trigger this]. In these instances a portion of the Self is re-membering (becoming again one with the experience) the time/space that the Soul was connected with a particular historical Body/Mind. This re-membering, in fact, is a type of sixth sense. Most of our “metaphysical abilities” were extant in the original Terran Human genetic design template, which has since been altered by visiting Intelligences, environmental conditions, diet, radiation, and lack of use.

But the implications of genetic memory go far beyond psychic abilities for Terrans.

Our Terran Human MDPV has been referred to as possessing a “bicameral [physical] heritage.”  Every culture tells stories recalling the time when sky and earth came together to fashion humanity. Therefore, in addition to possessing genetic memory which can span the time/space of Sol III, we are also capable of accessing genetic memory which spans the time/space events of nearly two dozen non-Terran civilizations.

Genetics in and of themselves are intelligently designed applications of frequency (balanced atomic/molecular patterns). They are interactive across interdimensional domains. Genetics connect our Race to each other and to the other Races which have given rise to our current genome. Additionally, we are physically compatible with other Races [as can be attested to in every revered ancient text, as well as modern “CE-IV” literature], which is why certain of them look to us for our potential to supply a them broader gene pool.

Many of the Races physically express themselves as males and females; a few also express as neutral or androgynous Beings. A percentage, though not all, of the “gender bending” and homosexual tendancies expressed on Earth are owed to this fact. For that percentage whose choice is to play within this dynamic, so many incarnations have been held from the perspective of a preferred gender that they come in feeling “wrong” whenever they are born into the other. The energetic matrices of the MDPV’s are the opposite of what they have typically worked with, and it is very awkward and difficult for them to operate in this capacity. Some go so far as to employ surgical or hormonal therapy in an attempt to feel more normal. The Hopi have been very specific in their timeframes with regards to the appearance of these Beings.

The original line of inquiry for this topic came from a chapter in a book Raea was reading on the topic of “Gender Studies;” specifically, the fluxuations that gender roles are undergoing in society as it relates to marriage, identity, sexual orientation, and social standing. This is a very dynamic issue in contemporary society — people often confuse their ego/identity with their MDPV. Whereas adults are honoring each other as extensions of the Creator and lovingly engage in consensual relationships with other adults, I bear no judgment or preference on the gender or number of participants in each. Nor do I bear have any charge against any Being’s chosen mode of Life expression, belief, occupation, creed, or realm of origination.

Having said this, it takes a minimum of one male and one female to biologically create the MDPV. The elements of Life can be grown and scientifically united in a laboratory setting, but the removal of passion and emotion from the reproductive act has led to degradation within the coding of the Races which have practiced it the most. Some Races with yet another gender reproduce as a triad; others can do so rather like cellular division. Though Spirit possesses the capability of directly manifesting whichever form it desires, the preferred method of entry into a physical setting is as offspring.

The MDPV and Spirit exist in a symbiosis with the Mind in order to give rise to the Triune Incarnate Being. Even within the Minds of those most devoted to Serving Others, and those who have answered the call to assist Earth, great difficulty exists in binding Spirit to Body and Mind. The Body is given to genetic patterns and predisposed tenancies which it is trying to balance out in order to transcend its own self and evolve; the Mind develops, perceives, and endeavors to preserve something of itself in relation to the other two; and Spirit, having been through every conceivable variation of every conceivable mode of existence, struggles to express itself within an extremely dense and limited existential environment.

The Elite-based fraternities of this World suggest to all concerned that Who They Are is a limited physical organism arising of accidental chemical circumstances separate environment and universe which must submit to an established socio/economic/political reality in order to survive 80 – 120 years. They are afraid of what an open Mind and an unbound Spirit will leave them in terms of usable frequency. They have been left behind before and are not eager to repeat the experience.

The Mind is smarter than this; it adds together 2 and 2 on Earth and sees that it is not 4. It demands action of a hesitant Body and a distant-feeling Soul, and after many years, finally submits and lends itself to co-creation of rote, atavistic insanity. This can have several unintentional side effects, whether participating against or with group Mind, the least of which may manifest as disease within the MDPV.

Spirit, meanwhile, provides perspective through sudden insight, deep-seated feelings of oneness, and profound experiences of unequivocal Knowing. Its method of transmission is usually silence.

When the Spirit communicates with the Mind, it will suggest thoughts which in so doing seems as if it were the Mind’s own. These are always the Highest Version of the Highest Vision the Being ever had about itself. When the Spirit communicates with the MDPV, it often appears as if the MDPV spontaneously moves of its own accord.

The Mind has an easier time commanding the MDPV; through aggregate perception and experience the Mind can convince the Body of any reality, whether it is factual or fictitious. The Mind must appeal to the Soul when it is out of harmony with it. It has an easier time making an appeal when it is calm, centered, and operating in an expanded state. This is closer to the actual state of Unity from which physical existence emanates.

The MDPV, by sheer virtue of possessing the ability to act out its beliefs, is capable of overriding both the Mind and the Spirit in a dense, physical setting. By closing down its energetic centers, the MDPV is capable of physically blocking off input from the Soul and ignoring the Mind’s perceptions. In this capacity it is operating solely on base functions such as the archetypical “feed and breed” animal program prominent in second density lifeforms. Overcoming Bodily functions and addictions have been a major method of Spiritual evolution; particularly on this planet.

As a genetic expression and as a mental collective, Humanity is changing. The Species itself is in a state of flux as it processes incoming universal and transdimensional energies which ultimately affect how we express ourselves.

Highly Evolved Beings, including millions of Terran Human Beings, have experimented to discover, balance, and master these three Aspects of Being. In the process they move easily through time and space, interact with even more advanced Intelligence, and embrace the true wonders which lay in wait beyond the physical. Though we are active in these realms by our very nature, conscious exploration on an individual level — and then as a species — deepens our contemplation of ourselves, as well as the Creator’s contemplation of Itself, Third Density, and the Human Race of Sol III.

External links:
(r) E v o l u t i o n
In the Light YouTube channel

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