In the Light — Alexander Gallier Interview 17

Karma is a word, like love. A way of saying, ‘what I am here to do.’ I do not resent my Karma.  I am grateful for it.

Ram-Kendra to Neo, The Matrix Revolutions (2003)

For many, karma entails carefully maneuvering about the world with “correct behavior” [as dictated by the dogma of those in possession of “God’s True Teachings”] in order to avoid reincarnation as a lesser lifeform. The creation of this domain of fear around a universal truth spins it just enough to become an effective Terran management system.

The most Highly Evolved Beings are not “good” [relativistically speaking] because they are afraid of being bad; the most Highly Evolved Beings are good because they understand the interconnectedness of All That Is and are clear about their relationship to that.

Most Highly Evolved Beings consciously recall every event from their previous incarnational experiences, as well as experiences between lives, from MDPV to MDPV. Terran Human Beings do not possess this recall as the result of genetic modification.

In order to better understand karma, we must understand that there is no separation between us and the Universe, and no separation between one another.  To know the Universe, and any expression of it, such as karma, we must come to know ourselves.

The primordial motions of this Universe  can be thought of as encompassing attraction-based vectors versus separation-based vectors.  [Ultimate reality is not this polarized, but as it relates to the discussion on karma, the metaphor is useful.]  The “separation vectors” are very interested in independence, hierarchy, and out-competing one another for their spot in the grand design.  The “attraction vectors” are very interested in freedom of expression, unity-based operational models, and supporting one another’s contributions to the grand design.

Consider that “karma” is a description of a process by which intent is transformed into motion across many realms.  We can apply a sense of developmental trajectory to the process, but we can also examine it in relation to cause and effect.  I would like to put forth the suggestion that in combining the two viewpoints, we arrive at a mindset where we can view the term as a flexible multidimensional plan by which Creation correlates the interests of all its constituent parts. “Karma” becomes a perspective describing how Sentient parts of a Whole interrelate.

This Universe is an event that has already occurred, which we — as Spirit — are exploring from every conceivable vantage point.  This event is incredibly complex, detailed, and interconnected. No action is undertaken absent the express consent of the Self with regards to, or as a result of, events/experiences co-created with other Self(s). There are no victims and no villains; only an exchange of energy.

This idea can be explored macrocosmically.. This Universe has an intent and developmental trajectory relative to Creation and the Creator of All. This Galaxy possesses Its own intent and developmental trajectory, even as it shares in expressing that of this Universe and Creation in its entirety. Earth, as an expression of Creation and the Universe, operates within the Galaxy along a developmental trajectory and intent of its own.

We can explore this idea microcosmically as well. The Earth, as a stage of Experience and as a Host of Life, has attracted trillions of lifeforms, including thousands of physical and non-physical intelligences. Each Species as a Race operates along its own developmental trajectory, as an expression of Creation — even as they interact with [or give rise to, as is the case with Terran Humanity] another Race. This is a massively coordinated, interconnected Event which each aspect co-creates with every other aspect.

I may toss a stone into a stream and disturb it, but the stream shall still flow. I can dam the stream, causing a huge backswell, but Nature will lay to waste my efforts if they become out of balance with the course of the Event. Ten generations may pass, but the stream will flow again.

Karma is like this.

External links:
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In the Light YouTube channel

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