In the Light — Alexander Gallier Interview 25

Truth is a relative thing, but honesty is a divine virtue. Pure honesty is born of responsibility and self-reliance. Honesty, in and of itself, is a willingness to be completely transparent with another in all ways. Honesty imposes no conditions, and seeks nothing in return for its expression. It simply seeks the Light.

Spirit is Truth in motion. Its very beingness is Honesty, and is completely open. Spirit is always seeking to expand the ways in which it can express Itself. In the moment it achieves its greatest ambition, it accelerates in the glory — literally changing form — and imagines an even more grandiose aim.

Human Beings are a triune intelligence; equal parts Body, Mind, and Spirit. This means that Human Beings have access to truth at any time. We possess a “gut feeling,” which communicates the truth of a matter to us, whether we choose to be honest or not. Truth is a component of our Being, and it can verily be said that dishonesty is fatal.

Earth currently operates under a climate of secrecy. Deliberate genetic alterations have left the Terran’s basic blueprint unable to access direct mind-to-mind communication. Absent latent genetic aptitude, training, and/or energetic/genetic healing on an individual basis the majority of the Terran population fails to manifest this ability.

Governments, bankers, and religious leaders capitalize on this by feeding on humanity’s fears of scarcity and death, coordinating their efforts through a network of clandestine fraternities. This focus manifests itself in media, in music, and in international relations. The world is much less trusting and much more guarded than it was 100 years ago.

In order to grow as a Race, humanity must embrace a new culture based on transparency; one which mirrors Spirit. Religion and God are not the same thing, and once the divisors of ceremony and dogma are eliminated from our expectations, we will begin to see an element of ourselves in all others. Only from this perspective can enlightened policies become enacted. Another’s best interests becomes our own, because who we are doesn’t end at the end of our skin.

A culture based on Spirit begins within the Individual. Each person must feel for themselves the love, unity, peace, altruism, tolerance, brother/sisterhood inherent in Spirit. Their intercourse with Life must be motivated by this intent.

This actually is the case for more and more people on Earth. At the point where we as a Species reach critical mass, we will birth a new Global Worldview. As a Race, we will become conscious instruments of Spirit.

Entire planetary societies and interstellar cultures are modeled on the principles of honesty, awareness, and responsibility. Every member of the Race is provided for to meet their basic needs, and in turn, each member devotes themself to improving the Race.

Earth shall become like this, through our elevated intent. And then the Terran Human Race will tap their ability to consciously re-shape Reality for all. Honesty gives birth to the next Earth culture, and this will give birth to a new Universe.

External links:
(r) E v o l u t i o n
In the Light YouTube channel

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