In the Light — Alexander Gallier Interview 21

Planet Earth, for the past half million years, has been a place of acute tumult. Planet Earth — herself a sentient consciousness — volunteered to assist with the evolution of this physical universe by becoming a stage for experience. Over the last 500,000 years hundreds of different Species have interacted with Earth’s biosphere; in some cases drastically altering planet-wide conditions on a semi-permanent basis. As the Species evolved in awareness, so did the nature of their interactions.

We, the Terran Human Beings, are now the predominant Sentient Species upon the face of the Earth. Billions struggle daily to find peace within a disjointed existence. From these billions, thousands have freed themselves, rising above and beyond their cultural dictates to become truly Universal citizens. In the process, they embrace a broader definition of who they actually are and who they could possibly become. They are acknowledged as Masters.

There are several important psychological differences between the Masters and everyone else. Why and How one thinks is just as important as What one thinks.

The Masters are clear that they are one with All That Is. There is no separation between us and anything else in Creation. No Master will claim to be better or more grandiose than any other lifeform. All lifeforms are equally miraculous, special, unique, and sacred.

Masters are clear that they are Spirit before anything else. Spirit, together with Mind and the MDPV, gives rise to our particular individuated expression. A portion of us agreed to operate in forgetfulness, while a portion operates in full awareness of who and what we are.

The majority of people on this planet capitulate to a worldview which disconnects them from the wonder which is Creation. They are content with society’s distractions, and possess the belief that indulging in base pursuits is what Life is about. Much of this is very much by design. The majority of people don’t know, and they don’t know that they don’t know. To employ an analogy, they believe that they actually are Mario, and that this actually is the Mushroom Kingdom. Masters do not. The Master understands that they are the catalyst which creates forward motion in the game. They understand that they hold the controller, and can switch games or turn off the Nintendo at will.

Masters readily utilize the non-physical as a resource. What does this entail? Cooperating with the Universe, and allowing it to present the correct people, situations, and opportunities to balance and heal the space. To the Master, all of Life is a tool of awakening.

Masters can never be lied to, deceived, or coerced. By the same token, Masters have grown past the need for secrecy. Masters have become telepathic and psychic. They innately detect another’s intent, because in a very real way, a portion of the Master “re-members” (become again one with) the part of themselves which is presenting themselves as the other, who is in need. A Master always assists in a manner which frees the other from a reliance upon the Master. In this, the Master is clear that theirs may not necessarily be a direct role. The Universe is easily affected at a distance.

Masters, therefore, never deny the veracity of their encounters. The physical people, places, and things are all outward manifestations of the same Universal Consciousness. Because they can find themselves within all they encounter, they work from the space that a portion of themselves must have manifested the situation at hand. It is only when we are clear that we have a part in what transpires that we can affect change to the happening. Inner peace works quickly to this end.

The Master is unimpeded by another’s dogma, prejudice, science, or belief systems. Nor have Masters any need for governments — they are self-sufficient. As the Universe is infinite, and separation is an illusion, so the Master is also infinite. From this space, Masters frequently demonstrate the impossible. They are in touch with the Divinity within.

In our Universe, entire Races attain Mastery and balance. Societies based on the principles of Mastery are commonplace, and cooperation amongst elevated Races readily occur. This is Terran Humanity’s destiny as well. Beings who have lived in and helped elevate such societies are now incarnate on Earth in order to assist our society in attaining Mastery.

At that point, we will be welcomed into interstellar space to be among other Intelligent Races. And at that point, our development will compel us to assist other Species in their growth.

This is the ultimate end of every soul’s internal (r)Evolution.

External links:
(r) E v o l u t i o n
In the Light YouTube channel

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