In the Light — Alexander Gallier Interview 19

There is only one reason to think, act, or speak. This is as a statement to the Universe about who you really are. If we all thought, acted, and spoke as if it were to be preserved for posterity and every action of ours possessed serious ramifications, our Worldview would dramatically shift over night.

Spiritually speaking, we all operate along a similar developmental trajectory. As we operate in a Free Will universe; possess the ability to consciously create our own experience of Self relative to a larger co-created reality; and are in our purest essence an immortal, intelligent being; we all create and fully explore every idea of which we can conceive. If this means creating a multi-trillion light year holographic sub-domain which expresses the Creator across multiple interactive dimensions, then this is what we must do. Growth as the result of experience is a precious gift, which we never fail to recognize on the inverse side of Physical Incarnation.

All things are a part of the One Thing that Is. We are — in every conceivable way — One. We must physically unite and share a part of who we are in order to biologically give rise to Life. Surrounding and interpenetrating our MDPVs is a vast continuum of intelligent energy. This energy collects and coalesces until it becomes dense enough to form matter as we understand it. The dense and physical — every particle of it — is an expression of the higher realms. Like curds of cheese and milk. Even Terran science admits energy cannot be created nor destroyed; only changed from one state to another.

This fact is why I refer to the Self; not “myself,” “yourself.”
This fact is why I refer to the Soul; not “his soul,” “her soul.”
We are all One.

Relative to this, the “Right Path” is all that serves you given who you are and what you believe you can achieve of your desires. Similarly, the “Wrong Path” is that which does not serve you.

Every Being will come to a point of realization about the truth of our collective unity. At such a time that the majority operates with this understanding, we will begin to design systems, domains of knowledge/experience, and cultural models based on Unity. One day, we will ultimately transcend our need for the experience that this Universe provides, and on that day, together we will dream an even bigger dream.

External links:
(r) E v o l u t i o n
In the Light YouTube channel

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