In the Light — Alexander Gallier Interview 12

To many in the West, and to an increasing degree in the East, the imagery conjured by the writings of Dante Alighieri in his classic work Inferno typify the afterlife expectations of those who believe in a form of celestial justice towards those they label “wicked.” Most people’s psychologies exhibit an inherent need for balance. Considering the lot they feel that they were given in life, even if they were powerless to affect justice to the best of their comprehension and ability, comfort is taken in the idea of some semblance of a great equalizer which is beyond the reproach of the incarnate.

Religious mythologies and prejudices are among the most primal teachings present in contemporary society. Every religion possesses relative amounts of universal truth, natural law, codified morality, the belief of theosophical infallibility, resistance to external sources of thought characterized by unique ceremony and dogma, the compulsion to re-produce the Group Mind, and the delegation of Free Will to an external authority. To those raised within such belief systems, religious programming infiltrates the mental and physical energetic matrices to the level of Identity, completely filtering their sense of who they really are and who they could yet become. To social primate mammals — a portion of which has been included within the Terran Human genome — the need to be defined relative to a group dynamic represents a powerful physiological, genetic, and psychological urge; stemming least from the need to survive in a “physical body” sense.

Religious emotions are difficult to work through, as doing so involves re-programming the neurological structure of the most primitive area of the brain exclusively utilizing elevated consciousness; specifically by inducing states of awareness which transcends the illogical portions inherent within each faith. Politics, incidentally, function under an identical model.

The Second section of the Fourth Post reveals that Religion is a key facet of the attempt to keep the Terran Human population manageable. Religion is a particularly interesting paradigm in that it attempts to supplant our larger sense of Self concerning our history, and our relationship to our creators [little “c”] and the Creator [big “C”]. Its aim is to get those who subscribe to it to forgo logic and intuition, capitulate to the assertions of others, and to negotiate the events their life from the space of “faith.”

Religion initially came about as a means of introducing a “middle management” class between Terran Humanity and the extraterrestrials who played god. Kings and Priests were initially one in the same. Genetic Hybrids were typically appointed to occupy these offices on behalf of extraterrestrials. The stories which have survived to this day as scriptural literature are the edited, altered, and condensed accounts of our memories of that time, with emphasis to the poetic aggrandization of the particular ET faction sponsoring their respective Terran human tribe(s).

In time, these tribes expanded and founded yet other tribes, all with their own respective beliefs. Some of these tribes were contacted yet again, to be given an updated spin on prior “revelations,” along with an updated spoken/written language. The common thread woven throughout it all was the classic injunction: “Divide and Conquer.” Others of the root tribes were emphatic that they alone possessed the factual and unaltered “Word of God,” while those that sought to control all reveled in satisfaction when the tribes warred amongst themselves. When we allow ourselves to react out of religious offense we are most assuredly not displaying the Highest Version of the Highest Vision we ever held of ourselves. Hence, teachers such as Buddha, Yeshua, and Lao Tzu were least often discredited and most often killed.

The modern concept of “Hell” is a uniquely Christian doctrine. Most other Terran religions teach that mistakes and wrongdoings in life are to be balanced by the offending Soul by reincarnating into a lower station in life — down to and including returning as a non-Sentient animal lifeform — or (for those who do not teach reincarnation) an abject denial of communion with the Creator. The various Christians however, who number 2.1 billion people, or a little under a third of Earth’s 2012 population, teach that offending Souls are either painfully purified in a realm known as “Purgatory,” cast off into “limbo” should they die prior to being exposed to scriptural truth, or punished for all Eternity in the bowels of Hell.

Other Terran religions teach that the good, obedient, righteous, and pious are rewarded after death with an elevated station in life; the ultimate aim to be ending the reincarnation cycle altogether. Christians entice their congregations with an afterlife curiously described by the scriptures as containing all the comforts the wealthy enjoy while incarnate, as well as the opportunity to commune with the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost; which could be prevailed upon to ease the suffering of the Living. After some unspecified time known only to Deity, Jesus will resurrect the righteous dead to enjoy no less than 1,000 years of peace on the Planet.

How can the Christians be certain of all this? They profess faith in the Holy Bible.

The Bible took many curious side roads before it became the document that it is now. Even today in 2012, different renditions of it exist in print. There is the King James Bible [the most oft printed document in Terran history], the New International Standard Edition Bible, and numerous annotated study Bibles, all purported to be the infallible word of God. For many years, it was illegal to read the Bible outside of Church. The King James Bible was the third in a series of English translations, with Blayney and Parris’ 1759 revision proving to be the definitive standard for over two hundred years. King James VI of Scotland and I of England felt that the prior translations of the day, the Geneva Bible, the Bishop’s Bible, the Tyndale Bible, and the Great Bible, were lacking and so commissioned 47 scholars belonging to the Church of England to retranslate the Old Testament from the original Hebrew, the New Testament from Greek [as opposed to Yeshua’s native Aramaic], and the Apocrypha [more on this below] from Greek and Latin.

Fourteen Centuries earlier, the great debate amongst the delegates of the Council of Nicea — presided over by none other than the Emperor of Rome, Constantine I — was whether or not Jesus was Divine, which day Easter was, and whether or not they could all agree on a common creed. Scriptural debates occurred at this time as well. Different factions of Christians were teaching differing versions of Christianity. Had the Emperor of Rome converted to another of the religions he was considering at the time, Christianity would have ended up as another fractured, underground cult. Pagan polytheism was still the dominating focus in the Planet at the time. A way had to be found for the Christians to present a unified front.

As it related to the canonization of the Bible, at the time of the Council, there were hundreds of accounts of Divinely-inspired literature of similar age and language stemming from Hebrew, Essene, Aramaic, Greek, and Latin sources. As the Roman Empire gradually transmogrified into the Roman Catholic Church over the next six hundred years, a formal Biblical Canon was created and promoted. 73 books became canon, while the others were arbitrarily, summarily, and — in many instances — deliberately relegated to the realms of Apocrypha [a word whose entomology stems from the Greek word ἀπόκρυφα, meaning “that which has been hidden away”]; some not to be re-discovered for centuries.

The Christian concept of Heaven and Hell can find its origins with writings attributed to Peter, who was recalled as one of the Apostles, the first Pope, and (eventually) Heaven’s Gate Keeper. It was this vision of Christianity moreso than any other which people continue to promulgate, to the detriment of the Terran human Race. The introduction of Fear into the new faith forever changed the station of humankind, and the threat of an afterlife of pain severely curtailed the ability of the Terran human to self-actualize. Yeshua’s message of the Creator’s nature, the laws of cause and effect, and our potential to utilize Spiritual abilities while incarnate were completely turned on their head.

It is a little-known fact that in the 1960’s, the Roman Catholic Church admitted to no fewer than 14 plagiarisms in the Holy Bible. The extraordinarily literate will note similarities between it and such other documents as:

  • The Enuma Elish
  • The Atra-Hasis Epic
  • The Erra Epos
  • The Legend of Sargon

As it pertains to the New Testament, we are presented with a composite character based on Yeshua, Isis, and Krishna, hence the Greek rendering “Jesus Christ.” This is Rome’s continuing effort to integrate elements of Eastern and Western religious traditions with Pagan solar/stellar cults in an attempt to undermine them all, and thus control the displaced. As Joseph Goebbels once observed, “If you repeat a lie often enough, it becomes truth.”

So why is heaven “up” and hell “down?” Why does god live “up there” and the devil “down there?” If Dante referenced The Apocalypse of Saint Peter, what knowledge did Peter have access to which produced a work of such conviction that it dominated Western religious thought for over a millennia?

One source extant prior to the Canonization of the Bible by Rome is The Book of Enoch. Enoch is mentioned in Genesis as being a descendant of Adam and forebear of Noah. After living a curious period of 365 years on Earth, he was taken offworld. Enoch appears in only five verses within Genesis. However, multiple books attributed to Enoch exist within the Apocrypha. In these, we learn that Enoch was taught writing, the History of Earth, celestial mechanics, time keeping, was given a tour of deep space and interdimensional realms, and ordered to return to Earth such that he may write his testaments. After doing so, he bid his family farewell and departed the Earth forever thereafter. Enoch in his time was regarded as the most learned Terran in the history of the World. Presumably — if the Book of Enoch is a credible source — he still lives to this day; for Enoch “walked with Elohim.”

Strikingly similar stories exist within Sumerian literature concerning Adapa (upon whom the Hebrews based Adam) and Atra-hasis (the Akkadiain name of Noah); both of whom in their day and time were taken offworld, granted a measure of knowledge, and thereafter regarded as the wisest man on Earth.

All of the above is what we can learn from the World about Heaven, Hell, and the stories and personages which offer them up to today. What follows is what I have been taught. In the end, one must form one’s own perspective if any of this information is to serve us.

Heaven and Hell area emotional and mental states of awareness we choose to experience as a result of and/or as the impetus to Create.

The Terran Human Being exists as a Triune Being; equal parts Mind, Body, and Spirit. Creation may take place on any of these aspects of Self or in combination with two or more aspects. Furthermore, our ability to create of each is colored by the frequencies we are open to energetically. A major component of our Species’ non-physical anatomy is the system of interconnected vortices known as chakras. There are seven major pairs of chakras roughly coinciding with the crown, the perineum, the sacrum, the reproductive organs, the adrenals, the solar plexus, the heart, the thymus, the thyroid, the larynx, the pituitary, and the pineal gland. Each major vortex is responsible for metabolizing a specific frequency range of the Universal Energy Field. Each pair has analogues which exist on each dimensional overtone, corresponding with the physical manifestation operating on that plane. Blockages in any area of this system create imbalance in the system as a whole. As these imbalances filter down dimensionally, physical ailments invariably manifest. Thus there are demonstrable connections between the idea that “Nobody loves me” and heart disease. Even Terran science has proved this.

Every Being with a Soul Essence — which includes our Species — is in this way a Spiritual Transducer of the Universal Energy Field. The UEF vibrates at every conceivable frequency, in multiple dimensions, and exhibits a polarity charge [i.e. positive and negative energies. This Field is a powerful energy source. Many cultures, including our own, have tapped into it for their energy needs. Some have even discovered the means of sustaining the physical Body, completely supplanting the need for ingesting food]. As our energy centers ingest and make use of the UEF, the by-products are released at altered wavelengths. These altered wavelengths are then made use of by other Sentient Beings whose energy fields attract them.

The energy itself sustains us on the subtle ketheric, astral, and etheric levels at which aspects of our selves exist, down through the denser physical dimensions; ultimately forming the pattern of our Mind, Body, and Spirit matrices. As we mature in our experiences, differing energies become palatable (so to speak) while others become unpalatable. What the lower centers find to be pleasurable and exciting isn’t always what the higher centers find pleasing or enjoyable. This is not to suggest that those who abstain from base experience are somehow more holy than those who do not; the acorn is no more holy than the oak. Both are Divine creations. But those who incorporate the Spiritual into all their endeavors create much different experiences than those who do not.

By these same principles, the consciousness we embody [em-Body] attracts certain people and repels others. These are the principles which are behind the instances wherein:

  • One who hates themselves think, speak, and act in ways which convey “I hate myself.” They then attract situations and people who are willing to co-create hateful and self-deprecating experiences.
  • One who feels victimized thinks, speaks, and acts in ways which convey “Things always happen to me.” They then attract situations and people who are willing to co-create “power over” experiences.
  • One who considers themselves successful and innovative will think, speak, and act in ways which are revolutionary. They then attract situations and people who are willing to co-create self-actualizing experiences.

The power to create our own experiences is perhaps our greatest latent ability. No matter what the external event, the quality of our internal truth can always transform any reality. Heaven and Hell are labels we apply to the quality of our internal truth. Depending upon the intensity of our emotions and the conviction of our focus, our reactions may serve to fuel individual creation. The UEF exists as a grand, undifferentiated field of infinite potentia, which Consciousness collapses into what we understand as “reality.”

This is the truth of “Nothing Matters.”

External links:
(r) E v o l u t i o n
In the Light YouTube channel

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