In the Light — Alexander Gallier Interview 05

One purpose of this communication is to expand the World’s sense of Self. When people speak of “value,” they do so in terms of what brings them as individual beings the greatest benefit. The most valuable thing to the Soul is exploring consciousness through the vehicle of physical experience, followed by a period of intense introspection.

This Universe is incredibly old.  Billions and billions of years old.  In every way a thing can be done, it has been done somewhere at some point in time by somebody. Therefore, when a new experiential opportunity presents itself — such as in the case of the creation of a new Sentient Race — Spirit is thrilled to go to work.

Any given person you meet may possess an aspect of Spirit which had thousands, millions, or even billions of years worth of experiences elsewhere in the Universe. Earth is, for some, a proving ground. For others, it is a place to remember and grow. There is literally something here for everyone.

Life organizes itself in simple, yet awesome, self-referential patterns. As Species mature in their Individual and Racial experiences, they begin to move around the stars and interact with other Species.

The Terran Human Race is currently in a state of arrested development. Elements from inside and outside the Race have a vested interest in keeping the Race as Primitive as possible. The reason behind this is simple: Consciousness is Creative. And the effects of Creation, as set into motion by a causative intent, are particularly interesting as they pertain to the Third Dimension.

In my book, 72 Treatises, the seventy-first Treatise describes a feedback loop beginning and ending with Consciousness. The result of the loop is manifestation. Consciousness precedes knowingness. The only way anything may be known is within one’s consciousness. You are reading symbols I have typed into the Internet. The delivery system is fancy, but you are still at the receiving end of it having your own subjective experience of something I have created. How you experience it and what you do with it depends upon your emotional state of mind. Perhaps you are having a good day and are receptive to new ideas. Perhaps you are not, or your prior experiences contradict the information you are now receiving. We are emotional beings, putting energy into motion in all our endeavors. At this point your emotions drive your thoughts. The more uniform and intense the emotion, the greater clarity of thought at the level that produced the emotion; the more erratic and frenzied, the lesser the clarity of thought. Examination from every angle of what we perceive produces a perception, based on our thoughts and emotions. Perceptions are as unique as the one who perceives. Our perceptions form our knowledge base, our concepts of reality. From our perceptions, we interface with the Universe and Create. Then, our creations alter our Consciousness.

In truth, Creation can emanate from any point in this process. In free societies, these energies are harnessed for the evolution of the society and the betterment of all. There is a joyful sense of bettering the collective. Everyone supports, reinforces, and assists everybody else to be their very best. The group cohesiveness is very efficient at repelling efforts at division.

Conversely, societies who separate from each other and compete with one another are very easily co-opted. It all begins with an illusory premise — that the Universe can be reduced to separate, fundamental pieces and that we are disconnected from one another. Next, is the idea that there exists only a finite amount of resources which everybody needs. Finally the idea that only one group — the strongest — can claim all the resources [and then only the upper echelon of the strongest group]. In these societies, the thrill is in the attempt to out-compete, to get the inside track, to defeat all competitors, and decimate the detractors. The members of this type of society are invariably left feeling hollow, bloated, and lazy until they are displaced by somebody stronger. Societies like this always destroy themselves.

The primary challenge of Planet Earth at this time is to evolve out of the competition society into a free society. Each one of us is a free Soul; a free aspect of Consciousness And this is the key to our happiness. The only way that this can organically happen is through an internal change of heart. Many people believe that at a specific, mystical moment, supernatural forces are going to intervene and force this evolution. The actual shape of this isn’t at all what people have read about. The supernatural force is Us, the incarnate Terran Human Beings, and we are here to embody that shift, and will it into being.

External links:
(r) E v o l u t i o n
In the Light YouTube channel

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